This board is very nice piece of HW but needs more effort to be controlled by user. You can find very detailed description here. Basic principle is quite easy. You need to put a jumper into BOOT0 switches before each programming  session (left position captured on photo bellow is normal mode, to BOOTABLE state move switch to two right jumpers instead).

We use BTT TMC 5160 stepper drivers (visible on photo without cooler).

You compile onStep code easily in Arduino IDE using same props of MCU & comm as captured on photo above. If you set all settings right, then the bin output file will be created somewhere on your disc. If you are using linux or osx than you need to find that file and use dfu-util to upload it into board. You can check output of compilation in Arduino IDE to identify working directory where to search for bin file. For example my Arduino IDE is reporting that directory as /var/folders/gv/g43np9x5pxb8d3fpt3b0sm0000gn/T/arduino_build_199075.

You go there and grab the OnStep.ino.bin file and move it somewhere into your project folder if you want a backup of that file for later usage (as a reference compilation for example to re-flash the board from some problematic states). I also backup Config.h file somewhere as a reference and source of this bin output.

In my case some other DFU device was connected to MacPro so default example on onStep wiki was not enough for me to flash the board. I was forced to run dfu-util --list first to identify what devnum my FYSETC board was assigned. So my flashing command was like this:

dfu-util -n 7 -a 0 -s 0x08010000 -D OnStep.ino.bin

notice -n 7 param which defined FYSETC devnum property identified by --list option of dfu-util.

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